Understanding Facial Angioedema and ICD Angioedema?

Ok friends, time for two more skin problems to be discussed for your benefit. Facial angioedema affects the face of the patient, usually the eyes, lips and in some cases throat and tongue also. To learn about ICD angioedema, you have to read the next few lines.

Facial angioedema is not only itchy and painful but grows temporary lumps on your face.It can damage your social life and can affect the schooling of children . ICD, acronym for International Statistical Classification of Diseases, basically, is a coding of different diseases, their symptoms, abnormal social conditions, complaints and certain external causes of injury or diseases. If you want to read more about Facial Angioedema & ICD Angioedema read here to read the detailed article.


Facial angioedema affects the face of the patient, usually the eyes, lips, and in some cases, the  throat and tongue also. To learn about ICD angioedema, read the following.

ICD is an acronym for International Statistical Classification of Diseases. ICD is a coding of different diseases, their symptoms, abnormal social conditions, complaints, and certain external causes of injury or diseases, as classified by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The code set or ICD gives permission of more than 14,400 different codes of disease and also the finding of many new diagnoses. If the sub-classifications are used, these codes can be further expanded up to 16,000 codes and more.

Now, let us understand what facial angioedema is and what it can do to you. Facial angioedema, in some cases, is recurring.  In children, it can be caused by insect bites. The most common and obvious symptoms are swollen throat, lips, and tongue; however, in some cases, hives may also appear.

The most serious situation can be blockage in the upper airway due to immense swelling and it may threaten the life of the patient. Factors that trigger angioedema episodes vary and symptoms characteristically last from 48 to 72 hours; however, they can also last from 4 hours to 7 days.

Angioedema Allergy

Certain allergies can cause angioedema, which is sometimes referred to as angioedema allergy. These factors that can trigger such allergy include nuts, eggs, certain fruits, shellfish, etc. In some cases, insect stings or bites can also cause these reactions. This allergy may cause hives to develop, and, in some cases,  the condition is pretty severe.

Angioedema is characterized by swelling that occurs just below the surface of the skin, usually around the lips and eyes. In people prone to allergy, an allergic reaction can cause the body to produce histamine, which results in the swelling of blood vessels.