Some details about Hive Bumps, Itching Hives & Swelling Hives?

The three major symptoms of hives are Hive bump, itching hive and swelling hive. Any of these three can be a sign of hives.

Hive bumps are the most obvious and common symptom of hives. They are raised blotches on the skin caused by any type of hive. The size of these bumps varies greatly. Itching hives can be a big problem for anyone. Itch is an unwanted feeling that causes the desire to scratch certain area of skin. Hive swelling is another symptom of the outbreak of hives. The affected skin becomes swelled up, causing itchiness and pain. Cooling down the affected area may help reduce swelling as well as the itching.

For more info about Hive Bumps, Itching Hive, Swelling Hive – read here.


This article will explain the three major symptoms of hives: Hive bumps, itching hive, andswelling hive. If you have any of these symptoms, you need to read this article as this disease might need professional assessment and treatment.

Hive bumps are the raised blotches on the skin caused by any type of hive. The size of the bumps and the extent of the itch depend on the severity of the rash. The hive bumps also depend on the type of urticaria you are suffering from, i.e. bumps of itchy hive are different from bumps of physical hive or heat hive, in nature and appearance.

The outbreak of the bumps depends on the nature of the hives; they usually appear within a few minutes after the patient comes in contact with the allergen or the offending stimuli. In cases of acute hives, the bumps vanish within a few hours after the outbreak; however, if the patient is suffering from chronic hives, the bumps will last much longer. In some cases of chronic hives, the bumps may vanish but reappear after a time on the same or on a different area of the body.

Itching hive can be a great nuisance for the patient; to cure it you first need to understand what it is along with the relationship between hives and itching. Hives is a skin problem, which is evident by the outbreak of welts on different areas of the skin. These welts are colorful, raised, and itchy in nature.

Hive swelling is one of the most common and obvious symptoms of the outbreak of hives. The affected area of the skin becomes swollen, causing itchiness and pain. Hive swelling depends on the severity of the condition of which you are suffering. If you are suffering from chronic hives then the swelling may be persistent; however, in most cases, the swelling does not last more than 8 to 12 hours.  Patients should avoid the triggers, just like in the case of allergic hive treatment, that cause or aggravate the situation. In most cases, the swelling is not life threatening; however, if it occurs in the upper area of the airway it can create suffocation and this can be fatal. In this case, the patient should seek medical treatment immediately.