Have you ever looked down to see yourself covered in red hive welts? Chances are that at some point in your life you or someone in your family will have a case of hives. Roughly 20% of the population suffers from hives at some point in their lives. Hives is an umbrella term to describe skin conditions characterized by raised, red and/or white wheels and welts that can vary in size, color, itchiness, and location on the body. Caused by the leakage of fluids beneath the skin hive wheels often appear and can seem to join together if you itch them, differing from other types of rashes and skin irritations that appear as red bumps. In most incidences red hive wheels aren’t serious and clear on their own after a couple of hours and in some cases days or weeks.


What to Do When You Have Red Hive Welts


The first thing you may notice when you find yourself with a case of hives is the itching. Do not scratch! Scratching can cause the welts to swell and spread across the skin. Additionally, your fingernails are dirty and can cause infection if the surface of the skin breaks. Hives breakouts can be in response to extreme heat or cold, an allergic irritant on the skin, food or medicine allergy or to nothing in particular. For immediate relief apply a cool compress to the skin to help with the swelling. Topical hydrocortisone creams can help with the itching and it is generally advised to take an oral antihistamine. Antihistamines work internally to reduce the production of histamines by the body’s mast cells, eliminating the formation of red hive welts and the sensation of itching. Because the cause is often unknown, over the counter antihistamines can be the fastest form of treatment for an isolated hives breakout. If however, you suffer from recurring acute red hive breakouts it is advisable to see a doctor.


Red Hive Welts – Doctor’s Visit


If your hives are particularly bothersome you may want to visit your doctor or make an appointment with an allergist. To prepare for your appointment you may want to bring several photos of the hives on your body, taking note of where the outbreaks occur. Also your doctor will want to know about the factors leading up to the outbreak such as any foods you ate prior and medications and vitamins you take. As hives can also be related to other infections and diseases be sure to speak honestly about your overall health and wellbeing.