Lyme disease occurs in all parts of the United States. Early treatment is important if more serious damage from Lyme disease is to be prevented. Lyme disease and hives can be confused with each other and this is an important mistake to avoid. In its early stages, Lyme disease resembles hives. Lyme disease can even cause hives in the first week or so and if the symptom is just shrugged off as hives, you may miss an important opportunity to treat the Lyme disease. Hives doesn’t mean you have Lyme disease and hives by itself usually doesn’t mean Lyme disease. But let’s take a look at some other early symptoms.


What Is Lyme Disease?


Lyme disease is an infectious bacterial disease spread by small ticks called deer ticks. It can be very serious if left untreated, but not fatal. The similarity of early symptoms of Lyme disease and hives means many people don’t get important early treatment that can prevent future problems. The disease can affect the joints, nervous system, and the heart, usually months after being contracted. More than half of those with untreated Lyme disease will develop chronic arthritis in the large joints. About 10 to 20 percent who don’t get treated will develop problems with their central nervous system. This damage can cause anything from headaches to facial paralysis. Heart problems of all varieties can develop with untreated Lyme disease. Most of these problems can be avoided with early antibiotic treatment but the similarity between Lyme disease and hives sometimes causes people to think they are just having an acute hives attack and won’t seek treatment right away.


So What Other Symptoms Should Be Looked For?


The first symptom is usually a rash where the tick was attached. The ticks are so small most people don’t notice them before they fall off. It starts small and spreads out. The red area often clears out in the center so it looks like a donut. This donut like appearance alone is one thing that can alert you to the difference between Lyme disease and hives. Other symptoms besides the hives are flu-like symptoms, like fever, sore throat, stiff neck, and headaches. Swollen glands are another early symptom. But Lyme disease and hives alone can show these same symptoms in certain hives types that are related to allergic reactions.


Best To Get A Blood Test


If you are not sure of the difference in your own symptoms and are not clear about the difference between Lyme disease and hives, your doctor can perform a blood test to look for Antibodies to the Lyme disease bacteria. This is the surest way to not confuse Lyme disease and hives and get the important early treatment for Lyme disease if you need it.


How Is It Treated?


Treatment is easy with antibiotics. Early treatment can prevent the later, more serious problems of Lyme disease. Don’t let confusion between Lyme disease and hives cause you to miss this window of opportunity that can save you months or years of problems later.