
Hives Natural Treatment – Coming Back to Nature

Chronic Hives Treatment

Hives Natural Treatment will be a great relief to many patients. You can avoid the severe attacks by taking some precautions. Many scientists tend to relate hives to environmental pollution, the use of chemicals in modern farming, and industrial waste. Many individuals have decided that in order to get hives treatment and treatment for many other diseases, they should turn back to nature.

Different Hives Natural Treatments

You can help yourself by treating hives with hives natural treatment, or at least prevent the attacks from happening. Many individuals prefer natural remedies to treat hives. Modern science has proven that herbal medications used by ancient Egyptians, Chinese, and Indians for thousands of years still have a lot to offer. Herbal medication is natural and is also called Alternative Medicine.

Various Natural Treatments Available

To maintain good health and to avoid many diseases, including hives, consider natural treatment. Following, are three types of herbs that offer a natural solution:

Amaranth Seeds

Amaranth is an herb well known for its medicinal and nutritional value. For centuries it was used as an astringent for mouth cleansing and as a remedy for acne and hives. Boiling the seeds in water and drinking this solution is very soothing.


Ginger is an herb that is used in treating many illnesses, including hives, itching, and burning skin. Boil 100gm of ginger in 4 quarts of water and add to your bath water. Soak in the mixture for 15 minutes. With daily use, you can eliminate hives.

Sandalwood Oil

Sandalwood Oil is a natural hives treatment and a perfume. Sandalwood is used for soothing itching skin associated with hives. Rub the affected area with the oil and wash immediately; repeat every three hours. This will significantly reduce the symptoms of hives.

When you consult with doctors who approve of alternative treatments, you will learn more ways to get rid of hives.


Hives Medicine: Treating Your Hives

Understanding Hives and Available Medicine

Hives, or to use the medical term urticaria, are raised, itchy, red spots on the top of the skin. They often appear in groups. Hives usually occur on the torso and limbs, but can be present on other parts of the body as well. There are many different types of hives medicine, from homemade hives treatment to prescription medication. Depending on the severity of the inflammation, patients might find relief with home remedies. If not, consulting your doctor is a good idea.

Over the Counter Medication for Hives

One of the most effective medications for hives treatment is Calamine lotion. Calamine lotion contains an astringent, which helps relieve the itch. Other helpful astringents include witch hazel, especially when it is chilled. Another is zinc oxide, which is often the active ingredient in many medicines and hives solutions. If your hives are particularly severe, there are tests that a physician can perform to identify what is causing the hives. By identifying the cause, it should be possible to avoid what is causing the reaction.

Natural Hive Medicines 

Another effective medicine for hives treatment is milk of magnesia. An alkaline solution, the milk helps to stop the itching by removing the irritating itchy sensation. It is an effective hives solution. By soaking in a warm bath at least once a day, a hives sufferer will be able to relieve their symptoms. However, only by removing the source of the allergic reaction will the hives stop appearing.

Oatmeal is another effective treatment for hives. Steeping a bath full of oatmeal, then applying the oatmeal to your hives with a cotton wool ball will help to relieve the hives and will make the red rash reduce in size and color. This can also be helpful with other types of itch and inflammation as well.



Healing Hives with Natural Remedies

How to Heal Hives

The medical term that doctors use for hives is urticaria. This refers to the rings and patches found on the skin. Hives appear in groups and look like pale, red swellings. Healing hives with ahives treatment is not particularly difficult. However, once you understand what is causing the hives, it is possible to find a hives treatment quickly. If you understand how to heal hives, then you will be able to find relief if you ever suffer from them.

Problems While Healing Hives

Rashes on the skin are a common problem and can be easily cured with the help of hives treatment. The rashes and lumps can vary in size and intensity and are usually related to how much of the allergen to which you have been exposed. Different people have a hive reaction to different stimuli, but healing hives is always the same no matter what. Removing yourself from the allergen will allow your body’s natural defenses to get rid of what caused the outbreak.

Treatments to Heal Hives 

Healing hives, or at least  treating the symptoms of hives is not very difficult. One of the most common ways of doing so is by running a bath that contains oatmeal and allowing it to steep for approximately half an hour before climbing in. The oatmeal will wick away any allergens, and that will help reduce the amount of irritation and itchiness that you feel.

Another way to heal hives is to apply calamine lotion to the affected area. Calamine lotion has long been recognized as helping to reduce itch. It is often used to treat itchy symptoms and is used on illnesses such as chicken pox in addition to healing hives.

If that does not work, then it is probably a good idea to consult a doctor, as he will know how to heal hives. He may prescribe medicine to treat the hives. Often, the active ingredient in that medicine is zinc oxide, though others use antihistamines to reduce swelling as well.


Dermographism Cure & Dermographism Treatment

About the Pathophysiology of Dermographism?

Before talking about the pathophysiology of dermographism, let me tell you that pathophysiology is the study of biochemical and chemical changes in humans due to disease. One might think if I have to learn about it, what are the doctors for? Essentially, by learning the pathophysiology of any disease, you can improve your ability of recognising and treating it i.e. dermographism treatment.

Dermographism being a subtype of urticaria, its actual mechanism remains uncertain. Certain triggers e.g. allergies, physical triggers or extreme temperature may release an antigen that interrelates with the membrane-s immunoglobulin E of the mast cells. These mast cells then release inflammatory mediators, particularly histamine, and sometimes leukotrienes, heparin, bradykinin, kallikrein, and other similar vasoactive fluids, into the tissues which then accumulate in the skin causing rashes or dermographism.

Learn how you can stay safe from dermographism in my post next week.


What are the Differences and Similarities Between Dermographism and Angioedema?

If you are confused between the two similar but different diseases; dermographism and hives, this post will clear up the confusion. By understanding the differences between these two, you will be better equipped when choosing dermographism treatment or angioedema treatment.

Let us first get to know the similarities between the two diseases : dermographism and angioedema are both skin problems with similar triggers e.g. extreme temperatures, allergies, pressure, stress, and have they both have similar treatments.

Sometimes, they accompany each other but usually they outbreak seperately.

The major differences between these two are: dermographism is a subtype of hives(urticaria), whereas angioedema is a different disease. Dermographism is itchy, while angioedema is characterized by painless swelling. Angioedema can be deadly but dermographism is only painful. Angioedema is mostly a hereditary problem while dermographism is usually acquired.


The best Dermographism Cure & Dermographism Treatment?

If you are suffering from dermographism, most of the people would tell you that treating dermographism or any other similar type of urticaria is not possible.

All you can do is take histamines and relieve the pain and itching for the time being. However, there are other dermographism cure & dermographism treatment.

For most of the people it can be an embarassing and disappointing situation but if you read my detailed guide, you can take some simple steps mentioned in my article about dermographism cure & dermographism treatment. Read here to read and try them while sitting at home and without spending extra money!


If you are suffering from dermographism, this article is indeed a blessing for you as it explains the best dermographism cure & dermographism treatment. Don’t worry, as I will not ask you to buy expensive medical products; instead, you can take all the steps mentioned here easily, while sitting at home and without spending extra money!

Dermographism literally means writing on the skin. It is a common type of urticaria; a skin problem in which the skin becomes raised and inflamed when stroked, scratched, rubbed, and sometimes, even slapped.

The biggest hurdle in dermographism cure is that the underlying causes of dermatographism are not clearly known. It is thought to be caused due to the release of histamines by the mast cells. When histamines are released, the weaker membranes surrounding the mast cells may be damaged and, as a result, cause swelling. It is not a lethal disease and is not contagious or infectious. However, in some extreme cases, it can affect the patient’s life severely.

  • It is important to determine the causes and  triggers of dermatographism and avoid them as much as possible.
  • Some drugs, such as penicillin, insect bites, or infections can also cause dermatographism. Individuals prone to this allergy should stay away from these triggers.
  • The most common drug used in curing dermatographism is antihistamines. They can be used to treat the patient as they prevent outbreaks by countering the histamine effect.
  • H1 or H2 antagonists and cortisone are also useful treatments.
  • Cromoglycate is also used to stop histamine release, but it is not very useful when dealing with chronic urticaria.
  • Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture treatments are also practiced by some patients.
  • Certain soaps that are biodegradable or hypoallergenic can be used to reduce itching by keeping the affected area clean.
  • You should consult a doctor in case the symptoms persist or if the condition worsens.


Dermatographism Treatment – Dermatographism Cure

Steps To Follow When Dermographism Itching Becomes Intolerable?

The patients of dermographism know how itchy the rashes are. But from time to time the itching can boost to its highest and create an unbearable situation for the sufferer. Following steps can be useful in countering the itch and aid dermographism treatment.

Try to keep the affected area of the skin naked, not even your clothes should be tight on it. When dermographism itching is at its topmost, you will be amazed at the outcome of simply exposing the affected area to fresh air which reduces the itching significantly. Similarly, cooling down the affected are with ice pack, cool compression or simply a cloth dipped in cold water can reduce itching. If itching is still unbearable, you may try non-anesthetizing antihistamines or consult a specialist.

Next week, angioedema and its most common types would be posted and the best thing is that I will be explaining some simple yet greatly rewarding home remedies.



The best Dermatographism Treatment & Dermatographism Cure?

For those of you who are looking for dermatographism treatment, you have reached the right place. It is good to know about dermatographism cure if you or any of your family members or friends are a victim of this weird skin problem.

Dermatographism has many different names including dermographism, dermatographic urticaria or skin writing. It is a common type of urticaria and the skin of the patient becomes inflamed and raised especially when stroked harshly, or sometimes even slapped with some force. My detailed article has very simple steps for Dermatographism Treatment – Dermatographism Cure, read here to read. Remember life is too precious to live with diseases!


If you are looking for dermatographism treatment, you have reached the right place. Even in this modern age, herbal products are still considered to be a valuable dermatographism cure.

Let us first try to understand what dermatographism is before explaining the details ofdermatographism treatment.

Dermatographism is known by many different names, such as dermographism, dermatographic urticaria, or skin writing. It is a common type of urticaria; a skin problem in which the skin becomes raised and inflamed when stroked, scratched, rubbed, and sometimes even slapped.

The underlying causes of dermatographism are not clearly known; however, it is thought to be caused due to the release of histamines by the mast cells. When histamines are released, the weaker membranes surrounding the mast cells may become damaged and cause swelling. It is not a lethal disease and it is not contagious or infectious. However, in some extreme cases, it can affect the patient’s life severely.

  • It is important to determine the causes and  triggers of dermatographism and avoid them as much as possible.
  • Some drugs, such as penicillin, insect bites, or infections can also cause dermatographism. Individuals prone to this allergy should stay away from these triggers.
  • The most common drug used in curing dermatographism is antihistamines. They can be used to treat the patient as they prevent outbreaks by countering the histamine effect.
  • H1 or H2 antagonists and cortisone are also used as a dermatographism treatment.
    Cromoglycate is also used to stop histamine release, but it is not very useful when dealing with chronic urticaria.
  • Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture treatments are also practiced by some patients.
    In addition, soaps that are biodegradable or hypoallergenic can be used to reduce itching by keeping the affected area clean.
  • You should consult a doctor in case the symptoms persist or if the condition worsens.


Vibratory Angioedema – How to Treat Angioedema

Understanding Vibratory Angioedema and Learning How to Treat Angioedema?

Lets talk about Vibratory angioedema.  Well for those who have suffered from this unusual and uncommon skin problem life can be very difficult . All these people want to know is how to treat angioedema.

Characterized by wheals, raised rashes and blanched skin, vibratory angioedema is an uncommon form of physical urticaria (hives). Continuous vibration can causes such rashes to appear on the skin. These vibrations can be from using a jack hammer or even jogging.  This problem can be hereditary as well as acquired.

If you want to learn more about vibratory angioedema or how to treat angioedema, read here for a detailed editorial.


It might sound strange but it is a fact that vibratory angioedema has nothing to do with angioedema itself, rather it is a form of physical urticaria (or physical hives). How to treat angioedema is the first question that comes into mind of the person experiencing this bizarre skin problem. You will find the answer to this question at the end of this guide in form of simple guidelines for angioedema treatment.

Vibratory angioedema can be an inherited problem or it can be acquired in response to a prolonged exposure to vibration. It is an extremely rare condition in which the skin produces a hypersensitivity reaction to an extended exposure of unremitting vibration. The most obvious symptoms are central wheals, blanched skin, pruritus or raised rashes.

A person prone to vibratory angioedema may develop it from the factors that are normally harmless. These factors cause continuous vibration on the skin e.g. driving a motor bike continuously for a long time, operating such a mechanical instrument e.g. a lawnmower, or vigorously rubbing your skin with rough stimuli e.g. a towel.

The symptoms usually take five to ten minutes to appear after coming in contact with the offending stimuli. The wheals can be itchy in nature and usually fade away within thirty minutes to one hour after their outbreak and no typical treatment is required. To stay safe, the individuals prone to vibratory angioedema should avoid such stimuli.

These simple guidelines are the answer to the question given at the start of this guide i.e. how to treat angioedema.

  • Consult a qualified doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.
  • Urine and blood test should be conducted to find whether you are infected with angioedema or not.
  • Avoid the allergens and triggering factors.
  • Epinephrine is a life saving drug especially in case of acquired angioedema.
  • Certain therapies of antihistamines are typically used to counter the effect of histamines, especially in cases where autoimmune reaction is the cause of angioedema.


Angioedema – Understanding its Causes and Cures


This article discusses  the most common types, causes, signs, symptoms, prevention and the treatment methods of Angioedema.

Angioedema is a allergic reaction that causes swelling on the skin surface. They occurs mostly on the eyes and lips. The body produces something called histamine in result to this reaction and blood vessels begun to swell. It is a deeper swelling and more or less like hives, where you have more itchiness.

There are two types of Angioedema. They are:

Acquired angioedema (AAE)

Hereditary angioedema (HAE)

Causes of Angioedema

The causes are unknown sometimes. But with certain causes, we can suspect that it may be because of these causes:

  • Insect Stings or Pollen
  • Allergies of food like dairy, shellfish, nuts etc,
  • Allergies of  medications such as NSAIDS (non- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), aspirin, blood pressure medicines, ibuprofen, and other antibiotics
  • Hair Dyes
  • Diseases like Hodgkins, leukemia, lupus, etc.


Angioedema Symptoms and Signs

  • Itchy, Burning, Swollen and Painful feelings
  • Appearance of red welts near lips and eyes and sometimes near throat
  • Rashes on the hands
  • Discolored patches    
  • Swollen throat
  • Hoarseness
  • Breathing trouble
  • Fever
  • Muscle pain
  • Decreased urine, etc.

Treatment Options for Angioedema

Have a allergy test with the professional if you found any of the causes mentioned above.  You should also have to have urine test and blood test in order to find, if you are infected with Angioedema.  If the results show that you have mild angioedema, then it can be cured with certain therapies or antihistamines. If it is major, then you have to make sure that, you can breathe easily. Sit in an open air and try to breathe properly. Have the medicines at the correct time that are prescribed by the professional s properly.  The most important thing is, you should not take any other drugs when you are infected with angioedema.


Angioedema Cure – How to Treat Angioedema

How to Treat Angioedema?

If you ask me  how to treat angioedema, the simple answer would be a timely diagnosis and a proper angioedema cure while avoiding the causes and triggers. However, the complete answer has many other things to be considered and is not as simple.

There are many different subtypes of angioedema besides the two major categories i.e. hereditary angioedema and acquired angioedema. Each type needs a corresponding angioedema cure e.g. epinephrine has been a life saving drug in the case of acquired angioedema, whereas for hereditary angioedema, its results are diverse. Therefore, consulting a qualified doctor is indispensable.

To read more about angioedema cure & how to treat angioedema, read here.


Everyone suffering from deadly angioedema wants to know how to treat angioedema. The answer is a timely diagnosis followed by a proper angioedema cure.

Before you opt for any angioedema cure, make sure the ailment has been properly diagnosed by a qualified doctor. The reason is that the symptoms of angioedema can be confused with many other conditions. Furthermore, a proper course of action can only be selected once the disease has been properly diagnosed. For example, hereditary angioedema treatment is different from acquired angioedema treatment.

Curing idiopathic angioedema is a thornier as the causes are not obvious. However, you may have an allergy test by a professional. Urine and blood tests are helpful in order to find, if you are infected with angioedema. If the results are positive, certain therapies or antihistamines can be opted for corresponding angioedema cure.

The best cure for acquired angioedema is epinephrine. Its quick action can discontinue the rapid swelling and can be life saving. Some other therapies, certain Chinese acupunctures and antihistamines intake can also be considered as a viable angioedema cure. Cinnarizine drug has also been proven to be a useful cure, especially in patients with liver problems, as it blocks the formation of C4.

A finely tuned cure for hereditary angioedema is based on C1-INH concentrate from donor blood, which must be administered under expert authority. In many European countries C1-INH concentrate is not commonly available, therefore, fresh frozen blood plasma, which also contains C1-INH, can also be used as an alternative. If you have a legacy of angioedema in your family, avoid all the triggers and consult a doctor even if you don’t have any symptoms as prevention is always better than cure.

You can find some useful cures of angioedema on the internet but they are only suited to specific types. A wrong diagnosis, or improper cure can aggravate the situation, therefore it is recommended to consult a qualified doctor.


Angiodema Treatment – Idiopathic Angiodema

Important details about Angiodema Treatment and Idiopathic Angiodema?

People affected by angiodema  usually feel hopeless, as there is not much awareness about this  disease. Most of them believe there is no angiodema treatment.  However, most of the people know that this disease can be deadly. Idiopathic angiodema, can be a greater problem as the causes are unknown.

A timely and proper diagnosis can be a great help when it comes to angiodema treatment. Urine and blood tests can help in the diagnosis of idiopathic angiodema. The treatment has to be specifically targeted towards the type of angiodema you are suffering from and only a qualified doctor can help.

Read here to read more about angiodema treatment and idiopathic angiodema.


Angioedema is a deadly skin disorder characterized by rapid swelling. This article will describe the best possible angiodema treatment and how to cope with idiopathic angiodema.

Idiopathic angiodema is one of the tougher types of angioedema to treat. The reason is that the causes of this disease are not clearly known. Certain factors can trigger this disease, but in most cases, the swelling progresses without any known cause. Sometimes, it is mistakenly referred to as urticaria angioedema.

Angiodema treatment should be carried out according to the specific type i.e. acquired angiodema, or hereditary angiodema etc. In case of acquired angiodema, epinephrine has been a fruitful drug but in case of hereditary angiodema its results are not persistent. Cinnarazine has also been used frequently, especially in the patients with liver disorders as it stops the formation of C4.

For a proper a angiodema treatment , a timely and correct diagnosis is mandatory. In many cases the symptoms are pretty similar to other diseases i.e. acute abdomen. A qualified doctor should take urine and blood tests. Certain therapies, antihistamines have also been used besides epinephrine, cinnarazine and many other drugs.

Certain drugs can also cause angiodema, therefore it is recommended not to take any other drugs during the treatment. Angiodema can also result as a side effect of ACE inhibitor induced therapy, people prone to angiodema must consult a qualified doctor before any medication or therapy.

Chronic Angiodema

Chronic diseases persist longer and so does chronic angiodema. According to their lasting period, angiodema can be divided into two categories: acute angiodema which usually disappears within a few hours after the outbreak whereas chronic angiodema persists much longer. The symptoms usually reappear at least twice a week and stay for more than six weeks. However, there is no upper limit and the person may experience these attacks all his life. A proper diagnosis of the causes, followed by the apposite treatment and avoiding the triggering factors can minimize the effects of chronic angiodema.


Idiopathic Chronic Urticaria and Chronic Urticaria Treatment

What is Chronic Urticaria and Idiopathic Chronic Urticaria?

How does it feel to have  chronic urticaria, which may stay  for a long time? Besides the extreme itchiness and burning you will be spending a lot of time at doctor’s appointments.

You may also miss many events not only because of the pain, but sometimes because of the embarrassment  you would feel by being around people.

Idiopathic Chronic Urticaria is one of its common types, it is usually caused by stress. Many people would suggest you to sit and wait for the rash to vanish, which is not a wise approach. To know more about this skin problem and find out the best treatments read my complete article


Chronic urticaria, also called Ordinary urticaria, is defined as the presence of passing wheals, which last longer than six weeks. Idiopathic Chronic Urticaria is one of its common types, usually, caused by stress. Chronic urticaria treatment, which many people mistakenly think is very thorny, is described in this article.

Treatment for Chronic Urticaria

Many people think treatment for chronic urticaria is very difficult. Some would say that there is no guaranteed treatment or means of controlling the attacks. You can do a few things to minimize its effects, including taking certain medication. Using antihistamines including telfast, diphenhydramine, hydroxyzine, cetirizine, and other H1 receptor antagonists can also help the patient.

Chronic Urticaria and Angioedema

Angioedema is the rapid swelling of the subcutaneous tissue, mucosa, and submucosal tissues. It can be painful and may even cause suffocation. It is similar to urticaria; the only difference is that urticaria occurs in the upper dermis.

Autoimmune Chronic Urticaria 

It has been observed that many patients of chronic idiopathic urticaria develop it because of an autoimmune rigger. Most of these patients impulsively build up autoantibodies directed at the receptor FceRI located on skin mast cells. Chronic stimulation of this receptor can lead tochronic urticaria.

Chronic Urticaria Causes

Unlike acute urticaria, chronic urticaria is usually caused by non-allergic factors. Most cases have an unknown cause. Up to 40% of chronic idiopathic urticaria patients have an autoimmune disorder. Some other causes are extreme pressure, temperature extremes, friction, intensive exercise, and sunlight.


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