
Dermographism Cure & Dermographism Treatment

About the Pathophysiology of Dermographism?

Before talking about the pathophysiology of dermographism, let me tell you that pathophysiology is the study of biochemical and chemical changes in humans due to disease. One might think if I have to learn about it, what are the doctors for? Essentially, by learning the pathophysiology of any disease, you can improve your ability of recognising and treating it i.e. dermographism treatment.

Dermographism being a subtype of urticaria, its actual mechanism remains uncertain. Certain triggers e.g. allergies, physical triggers or extreme temperature may release an antigen that interrelates with the membrane-s immunoglobulin E of the mast cells. These mast cells then release inflammatory mediators, particularly histamine, and sometimes leukotrienes, heparin, bradykinin, kallikrein, and other similar vasoactive fluids, into the tissues which then accumulate in the skin causing rashes or dermographism.

Learn how you can stay safe from dermographism in my post next week.


What are the Differences and Similarities Between Dermographism and Angioedema?

If you are confused between the two similar but different diseases; dermographism and hives, this post will clear up the confusion. By understanding the differences between these two, you will be better equipped when choosing dermographism treatment or angioedema treatment.

Let us first get to know the similarities between the two diseases : dermographism and angioedema are both skin problems with similar triggers e.g. extreme temperatures, allergies, pressure, stress, and have they both have similar treatments.

Sometimes, they accompany each other but usually they outbreak seperately.

The major differences between these two are: dermographism is a subtype of hives(urticaria), whereas angioedema is a different disease. Dermographism is itchy, while angioedema is characterized by painless swelling. Angioedema can be deadly but dermographism is only painful. Angioedema is mostly a hereditary problem while dermographism is usually acquired.


The best Dermographism Cure & Dermographism Treatment?

If you are suffering from dermographism, most of the people would tell you that treating dermographism or any other similar type of urticaria is not possible.

All you can do is take histamines and relieve the pain and itching for the time being. However, there are other dermographism cure & dermographism treatment.

For most of the people it can be an embarassing and disappointing situation but if you read my detailed guide, you can take some simple steps mentioned in my article about dermographism cure & dermographism treatment. Read here to read and try them while sitting at home and without spending extra money!


If you are suffering from dermographism, this article is indeed a blessing for you as it explains the best dermographism cure & dermographism treatment. Don’t worry, as I will not ask you to buy expensive medical products; instead, you can take all the steps mentioned here easily, while sitting at home and without spending extra money!

Dermographism literally means writing on the skin. It is a common type of urticaria; a skin problem in which the skin becomes raised and inflamed when stroked, scratched, rubbed, and sometimes, even slapped.

The biggest hurdle in dermographism cure is that the underlying causes of dermatographism are not clearly known. It is thought to be caused due to the release of histamines by the mast cells. When histamines are released, the weaker membranes surrounding the mast cells may be damaged and, as a result, cause swelling. It is not a lethal disease and is not contagious or infectious. However, in some extreme cases, it can affect the patient’s life severely.

  • It is important to determine the causes and  triggers of dermatographism and avoid them as much as possible.
  • Some drugs, such as penicillin, insect bites, or infections can also cause dermatographism. Individuals prone to this allergy should stay away from these triggers.
  • The most common drug used in curing dermatographism is antihistamines. They can be used to treat the patient as they prevent outbreaks by countering the histamine effect.
  • H1 or H2 antagonists and cortisone are also useful treatments.
  • Cromoglycate is also used to stop histamine release, but it is not very useful when dealing with chronic urticaria.
  • Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture treatments are also practiced by some patients.
  • Certain soaps that are biodegradable or hypoallergenic can be used to reduce itching by keeping the affected area clean.
  • You should consult a doctor in case the symptoms persist or if the condition worsens.


Dermatographism Treatment – Dermatographism Cure

Steps To Follow When Dermographism Itching Becomes Intolerable?

The patients of dermographism know how itchy the rashes are. But from time to time the itching can boost to its highest and create an unbearable situation for the sufferer. Following steps can be useful in countering the itch and aid dermographism treatment.

Try to keep the affected area of the skin naked, not even your clothes should be tight on it. When dermographism itching is at its topmost, you will be amazed at the outcome of simply exposing the affected area to fresh air which reduces the itching significantly. Similarly, cooling down the affected are with ice pack, cool compression or simply a cloth dipped in cold water can reduce itching. If itching is still unbearable, you may try non-anesthetizing antihistamines or consult a specialist.

Next week, angioedema and its most common types would be posted and the best thing is that I will be explaining some simple yet greatly rewarding home remedies.



The best Dermatographism Treatment & Dermatographism Cure?

For those of you who are looking for dermatographism treatment, you have reached the right place. It is good to know about dermatographism cure if you or any of your family members or friends are a victim of this weird skin problem.

Dermatographism has many different names including dermographism, dermatographic urticaria or skin writing. It is a common type of urticaria and the skin of the patient becomes inflamed and raised especially when stroked harshly, or sometimes even slapped with some force. My detailed article has very simple steps for Dermatographism Treatment – Dermatographism Cure, read here to read. Remember life is too precious to live with diseases!


If you are looking for dermatographism treatment, you have reached the right place. Even in this modern age, herbal products are still considered to be a valuable dermatographism cure.

Let us first try to understand what dermatographism is before explaining the details ofdermatographism treatment.

Dermatographism is known by many different names, such as dermographism, dermatographic urticaria, or skin writing. It is a common type of urticaria; a skin problem in which the skin becomes raised and inflamed when stroked, scratched, rubbed, and sometimes even slapped.

The underlying causes of dermatographism are not clearly known; however, it is thought to be caused due to the release of histamines by the mast cells. When histamines are released, the weaker membranes surrounding the mast cells may become damaged and cause swelling. It is not a lethal disease and it is not contagious or infectious. However, in some extreme cases, it can affect the patient’s life severely.

  • It is important to determine the causes and  triggers of dermatographism and avoid them as much as possible.
  • Some drugs, such as penicillin, insect bites, or infections can also cause dermatographism. Individuals prone to this allergy should stay away from these triggers.
  • The most common drug used in curing dermatographism is antihistamines. They can be used to treat the patient as they prevent outbreaks by countering the histamine effect.
  • H1 or H2 antagonists and cortisone are also used as a dermatographism treatment.
    Cromoglycate is also used to stop histamine release, but it is not very useful when dealing with chronic urticaria.
  • Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture treatments are also practiced by some patients.
    In addition, soaps that are biodegradable or hypoallergenic can be used to reduce itching by keeping the affected area clean.
  • You should consult a doctor in case the symptoms persist or if the condition worsens.


Dermatographism – Dermatographic

What is the Best Medicine for Curing Dermographism?

Dermographism is actually a subtype of urticaria (hives) which is known by many other names: dermatographism, skin writing and dermographic urticaria. People suffering from dermographism are otherwise healthy unless their disease has some association with pruritus, which can severely affect the life-style of the patient.

Being a type of urticaria, antihistamines are the best drug when it comes to treatment. Following are the most commonly drugs used to treat dermographism: Palgic, Pediatex and Cordron NR but they should not be considered the alternate for the professional’s prescription.

Chinese acupuncture has been also considered to be successful option for dermographism treatment. In this modern age, herbal medicines are still considered to be the good because they do not have a lot of side effects.

These are the treatments for dermographism but some drugs can be troublesome and you must avoid them. I will be talking about that in the next post, due in two days.


Talking about Dermatographism & Dermatographic?

You might be surprised to know how many different types of urticaria there are!

Dermatographism is another subtype of urticaria, also known as dermographism, dermatographic or dermatographic hives. For the patients and even those who have not been a victim to this skin problem, knowing its causes, symptoms and cures is good when battling it or trying to avoid it.

The obvious and common symptoms of this unwanted skin problem are eruptions and inflammations on the skin, when an external offending stimulus comes in contact with the skin. It usually looks as if someone has held the skin and written something on it. This is the reason why it is also called skin writing. Do you want to learn more about Dermatographism & Dermatographic? Read here.


Dermatographism is a subtype of urticaria. It is also known as dermographismdermatographic, or dermatographic hives. Urticaria is the official, medical term used for hives. The rest of the article describes dermatographism, its causes, symptoms, and cures in detail.

Dermatographism or dermatographic urticaria is characterized by eruptions and inflammations on the skin when an external offending stimulus comes in contact with the skin. This makes the skin look as if someone has written on it, which is why it is also called skin writing.

Human skin contains certain cells, which are called mast cells to protect it against pathogens. The membranes surrounding these cells are weak for some people. In such cases, when the skin is rubbed or scratched, it will release a substance called histamine, which results in the damage of these membranes that causes rashes and swelling of the skin.

The actual cause for dermatographism is unidentified. The most commonly believed causes include stress and exposure to extreme heat or cold. Several things that can trigger its occurrence include kissing, tight clothing, watches, rings, glasses, and anything that causes pressure or stress to the skin. Even when the skin gets slapped, scratched, or rubbed, eruptions may occur.

It is not a contagious disease and it does not spread from one person to another. In most cases, the eruptions will disappear within some time after the outbreak; therefore, many people do not need treatment for this. However, some patients may experience this condition for their entire lives. Though in most cases, it is not life threatening, there are some cases that may be severe enough to become life threatening. Therefore,  proper treatment is necessary.

Antihistamines can be used to treat patients, which prevent the eruptions from appearing. Acupuncture treatments are also available to treat this condition.  Biodegradable and hypoallergenic soaps are used by many patients to help prevent outbreaks. In addition, patients are advised to avoid bathing in hot water.

Dermatographism Emedicine

Emedicine is one of the largest online clinical knowledgebases. It is searchable by different keywords, such as dermatographic, and dermatographism, etc.


Dermatographic Urticaria Treatment

Four of the Most Important Points To Consider When Managing Dermographism?

Today’s post has some very simple yet extremely valuable tips for managing dermographism. These points are only to aid your proper dermographic urticaria treatment, not a complete treatment themselves.

1:  Understand the actual causes and triggers of dermographism and avoid them as much as you can.
2: Stay away from all the offending stimuli, allergens or foods that can cause allergies including eggs, nuts, wheat, dairy products etc. For people prone to food allergies, a food elimination technique can be helpful i.e. avoiding one type of food at one time and noting the results and then repeating with other types.
3: The itchiness can cause a need to scratch the affected area, but never rub or unnecessarily touch the rashes, this can cause the rashes to blister and increase itching.
4: Last but not the least, do not use other drugs during the treatment and do not forget to take the prescribed medicine on time.

Do not miss more information about dermographism and related conditions in my post next week.


Simple steps for Dermatographic Urticaria Treatment?

Here are some simple steps for Dermatographic Urticaria Treatment

1: Try to find the causes, triggers and avoid them as much as possible.
2: The most commonly drug used is antihistamine, it can used to treat the patient as it prevents the outcome of eruptions by countering the histamine effect.
3: Cromoglycate is also used to stop histamine release but it is not very useful when dealing with chronic urticaria.

4: Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture treatments are also practiced, mostly in Asia.
5: Certain soaps which are biodegradable or hypo-allergenic can be used to reduce itching.
6: You should consult a doctor in case the symptoms persist.

For  detailed Dermatographic Urticaria Treatment, read here.


Dermatographic urticaria treatment is an  important  consideration for the people suffering from this weird skin disease. Following, are some simple steps to take when undergoingdermatographic urticaria treatment:

  • Try to find the causes and  triggers, and avoid them as much as possible.
  • The most commonly drug used is antihistamines, which can provide relief, as it prevents outbreaks  by countering the histamine effect.
  • Cromoglycate is also used to stop histamine release, but it is not very useful when dealing with chronic urticaria.
  • Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture treatments are also useful to many patients.
  • Certain soaps, which are biodegradable or hypoallergenic can be used to reduce itching.
  • You should consult a doctor if the symptoms persist.

Dermatographic Urticaria

Dermatographic urticaria or dermographism is characterized by eruptions and inflammations on the skin when an external offending stimulus comes in contact with the skin. Human skin contains certain cells called mast cells, which protect it against pathogens. The membranes surrounding these cells are weak for some people. In such cases, when the skin is rubbed or scratched, it will release a substance called histamine, which results in the damage of these membranes that causes rashes and swelling of the skin.

In most cases, the actual cause for dermatographic urticaria is unidentified. However, the most commonly believed causes include stress and exposure to extreme heat or cold. Several things that can trigger its occurrence include kissing, tight clothing, watches, jewelry, glasses, and anything that causes pressure or stress to the skin. Even when the skin gets slapped, scratched, or rubbed, eruptions may occur.

Dermatographic urticaria is not a contagious disease and it does not spread from one person to another. In most cases, the eruptions will disappear within a short time after the outbreak; therefore, many people do not need treatment for this. However, some patients may experience it for the duration of their lives. Though in most cases, it is not life threatening, there are some cases that may be severe enough to become life threatening. Therefore,  proper treatment is necessary.


Dermographism – Dermographic

Some Myths about Skin Writing – Dermographism?

As promised in the previous post, today I will pinpoint the most common misconceptions and myths related to dermographism. It is also known as skin writing, as the rashes appear in the form of strange lines as if someone has held the skin and written on it.

Many people do not know that dermographism or dermatographism is a unique disease, however, it is actually a subtype of urticaria (hives). The rashes are itchy in nature and the typical treatment is quite similar. It is also mistakenly believed that dermographism is only caused due to food allergies.  Actually some drugs, insect bites and autoimmune disorders can also result in the outbreak of dermographism. Usually people think that dermographism treatment is not needed and the rashes will disappear automatically, though true for most cases,  some cases can be extremely painful and dangerous. Such cases should be treated as a medical emergency.

These were the myths about dermographism, but you must also learn some facts that can assist you battling this weird skin problem.


Top Tips for Managing Dermographism?

Learning all the tips for diseases like dermographism and hives can be very handy as they can relieve you from some of the suffering. Never consider such tips to be a full time treatment, but these tips are just to help with the treatment.

For example, you are carrying out a properly prescribed dermographism treatment, and you are taking certain drugs or therapies, but sometimes the itching may be unbearable. This is where these tips come into play. For dermographism, you can apply a refrigerated calamine lotion or Aloe Vera gel to reduce itching. Avoid touching the affected area or it will aggravate the situation. Cooling the affected area with cool compression or a cloth dipped in water can be also help and ease the itching.

These guidelines can be helpful in reducing the itching and burning caused by dermographism. This series of blogs for dermographism ends here and in two days I will start begin talking about angioedema, do not miss it.


Drugs That Must Be Avoided By a Dermographism Prone Individual?

As you know dermographism is a subtype of urticaria, therefore it has a similar response to certain drugs. This might sound weird but it is true that almost any drug can cause urticaria however, dermographism is caused by a limited range of drugs. Certain tests by a qualified doctor can help in proper diagnosis and the list of drugs to be avoided can be created. However, I will name some of the drugs that have the maximum potential for triggering dermographism.

Many antibiotics are considered to be the prime source for drug induced dermographism. However unlike hives, dermographism is less likely to be caused by drugs. Some vaccinations and NSAIDs must also be avoided by individuals prone to dermographism. Avoid these drugs to make your dermatographic urticaria treatment more useful.

Avoiding these drugs will help. However you need to get rid of all the misconceptions about dermographism, which I will describe in the next post, make sure you read it.


More About Dermographism and Related Conditions?

Dermographism is also called dermographic urticaria, as it is a subtype of hives (urticaria). The related conditions of dermographism are not much different from those of hives itself.

The most common related condition of dermatographism is angioedema. The less common related condition are the hives or welts which may also develop. Dermographism is itchy but not deadly whereas the angioedema, that accompanies it, can be fatal.

Angioedema is quite similar to hives in many aspects but in angioedema there is a swelling instead of welts, which occur deeper in the skin. The swelling usually occurs on the face: around the lips and eyes and that is why it is also called facial angioedema. Dermographism is accompanied by angioedema which should be paid serious attention, especially if the trigger was an allergy.

Do not miss my upcoming post next week as I will be describing the pathophysiology of dermographism in and extremely simple way.


The Most Common Forms of Dermographism and Their Home Remedies?

Dermographism or dermographic is actually a subtype of urticaria. It is also known as skin writing because the rashes appear on the skin in the form of writing. The rashes seem as if someone has held the skin and written something on it. To some, it might sound like a fascinating problem especially to the tattoo-lovers, but actually it is more painful than fascinating.

Certain home remedies can reduce the agonizing itch caused by dermographism. The first and most important tip is to not cover the affected area of the skin. Avoid touching the affected area as much as possible. Do not wear tight clothes, especially during the period when the rashes are present. Contact a qualified doctor if the itching persists.

These were simple remedies, but what should one do when dermographism treatment is notworking as it should be? The answer lies in my next post, do not forget to read it.


Some Uncommon Must-Know Facts about Dermographism?

Because information about the rare skin problem called dermographism, is not readily available, many people do not know much to help them with treatment.

Dermographism or dermatographism is a rarely found subtype of urticaria (hives). Treating dermographism is not impossible but it can be difficult and extended,however proper treatment can cure your problem. If the symptoms persist for more than a few hours or the itching is unbearable, consult a doctor for dermographism treatment immediately.

Antihistamines can helpful especially if there is an autoimmune cause. Sorting out and avoiding the triggers can be a great comfort for the people prone to dermographism. If the dermographism has an association with pruritus, it can severely affect your lifestyle.

For every disease, there are always some tips and hidden secrets that can greatly help in battling that ailment. My next post is all about such tricks about dermographism, do not forget to return after two days.


What are the Differences and Similarities Between Hives and Dermographism?

Today’s blog will show a brief comparison between hives and dermographism. By learning about this you will be able to understand and differentiate these two skin problems. This will help in giving hives treatment or dermographism treatment, not matter which disease are you suffering from.

Let us first understand the difference: Hives is the commonly used name for urticaria and dermographism is a subtype of urticaria. Hives welts can be scattered anywhere on the body and may vary in size from the size of a pinhead to covering a whole body part.

On the other hand, dermographism rashes appear in the form of writing usually on forearm and legs. The similarities between them include: welts of both the diseases are itchy in nature, and their treatment is similar. Furthermore, the triggers and causes are also alike.

To find out about the comparison of hives and angioedema, see my next post.


How To Stay Safe From Dermographism – Some Simple Tips?

It is a fact that avoiding dermographism is much more stress-free than having to have dermographism treatment.
Today’s post has some simple steps that can help you in avoiding the itchy and painful dermographism.

Obviously you need to avoid all the items, foods or mechanical tools which can cause dermographism. Avoid extreme temperatures, especially hot weather which can cause dermographism. If you have a familial history of dermographism, you should consult a doctor for advice, even if the symptoms are not observable. If you have experienced dermographism in the past, the chances are high that it might return, so you need to be extra careful.

These steps can help lessen the chances of a dermographism outbreak,  but what if you already have dermographism? Read my post next week and find out the best possible solution for reducing the itchiness and pain.


Myths revealed about Dermographism or Dermographic?

I have been writing on urticaria and hives for quite sometime and now it is time for Dermographism which literally means writing on the skin.

It is pretty strange that people in this modern age still have misconceptions about this problem. If you are a tattoo lover, it might sound fascinating to you, but let me tell you it’s the last thing to fancy because of the itching and pain.

It is known by many different names i.e. dermographic, dermatographism or skin writing. It is a common type of urticaria; a skin problem in which the skin becomes raised, especially when it is scratched, rubbed ferociously, stroked, or sometimes even slapped. To learn more about dermographism or dermographic, read here.


literally means writing on the skin. It is known by many different names, such as dermatographic urticaria, dermatographism, or skin writing. It is a common type of urticaria; a skin problem in which the skin becomes raised and inflamed when stroked, scratched, rubbed, and sometimes even slapped.

The underlying causes of dermographism are not clearly known; however, it is thought to be caused due to the release of histamines by the mast cells. When histamines are released, the weaker membranes surrounding the mast cells may be damaged and cause swelling. It is not a lethal disease and it is not contagious or infectious.

The underlying cause of dermographism is not known, and can last for many years without relief. At least 95% of chronic cases are never solved. Sometimes, the condition goes away; sometimes it stays forever. 

Urticaria Dermographism

Dermographism or urticaria dermographism may triggered by stress, very tight clothing, wristwatches, glasses, kissing, extreme temperatures, or anything that may cause stress to the skin of the patient. In most cases, it is only a negligible issue; however, in extreme cases, symptoms can be severe enough to affect the patient’s life.

White Dermographism

White dermographism is a rare kind of dermographism characterized by linear blanching of skin with atopic dermatitis in response to hard stroking, scratching, or slapping.

Dermographism Hives

Dermographism hives is another common name of dermatographic urticaria. Actually, hives is a commonly used name of the skin disease called urticaria in medical language. It occurs in response to certain physical allergies, in which slapping, stroking, or scratching of the skin of the person with any rough instrument produces a pale, raised, wheal, with a red flare on each side. Most of these conditions vanish within a few hours after their outbreak, but in severe cases they may stay much longer and need proper medical treatment.


Dermographism – Understanding its Causes and Cures

Knowing Dermographism

Dermographism is a kind of urticaria. It is also called dermatographic urticaria. Some people refer to is as writing on the skin. As the name implies, it is characterized by eruptions and inflammations on the skin when an external object comes in contact with the skin. This makes the skin look as if someone has written something on the skin. Our skin contains cells called mast cells, which protect  it against pathogens acting as a defense system. The membranes surrounding these cells are weak in some people. In such cases, when skin is rubbed or scratched, it will release substances called histamine, which causes swelling of the skin.

Causes for Dermographism

The cause for this urticaria is unknown. Some people  will get this kind of urticaria when the skin is exposed to extreme heat or cold. There are several things that can trigger its occurrence. Tight clothing, watches, rings, glasses, and anything that causes pressure or stress to the skin may  trigger this. Even when the skin gets slapped, scratched, or rubbed, eruptions may occur. 

Since it does not spread from one person to another, and also because the eruptions disappear in time, some people will not undergo treatment for this. However, some patients will have it for life. Though in most cases, it is not life threatening, there are some cases that may be severe enough to become life threatening. Therefore,  proper treatment is necessary.

Cures for Dermographism

Antihistamines can be used to treat patients, which prevent the eruptions from appearing. Acupuncture treatments are also available to treat this condition.  Biodegradable and hypoallergenic soaps are used by many patients to help prevent outbreaks. In addition, patients are advised to avoid bathing in hot water.


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