Some people experience night hives, a break out in hives at night.  This is a curious occurrence.  People will get hives only at night, it will clear up during the day, and then the night hives will return in the evening.  So, what causes this strange situation?  It is simpler than you might think.

Your body actually produces its own anti-itch chemicals, according to  These natural chemicals bring about relief when we have rashes, stings, and yes even hives.  As the sun goes down however, these chemicals decrease as our bodies prepare for sleep.  This is also why insect bites seem to itch more at night.

If you are having this type of trouble, oral antihistamines will usually relieve the itching and help you sleep.  Benadryl is most often recommended.  Drinking excess water during the day can help to relieve night hives too.  This is because it flushes the toxins that are causing your hives out of your body.

Rooibos tea has been recommended to help relieve hives.  This is because it contains quercetin, which is a natural antihistamine which also cleanses the body.  You may also try taking a cool shower or taking an oatmeal bath before bed to relieve night hives.  If a baby or young child is the one having this trouble, an oatmeal bath is probably the best option.  Most people use Aveeno.  If you decide to use an antihistamine on a child with night hives, be sure and read the label first.


 Other Reasons for Hives at Night

The scenario listed above is just one example of why hives breakout at night.  If you don’t feel that it explains your night hives, there are other possibilities.  Try to think of what you are exposed to at night.  Ask yourself the following questions to see if you can narrow down the cause for breaking out in hives at night:


  • Have you recently switched the soap that you wash your bed sheets or blankets with?
  •  Have you used any products on your bed that produce scents?
  •  Do you have pets that could be shedding pet dander?
  •  Are you taking any medications before you go to sleep at night?
  •  Are you normally exposed to heat, cold, or water before the hives appear?
  •  Do you sleep with the windows open, or is there any reason that you could have been bitten by an insect?
  •  Do you eat or touch foods such as shellfish, eggs, chocolate, nuts, milk, berries, soy, wheat, or fish before bed?
  •  Could pollen be making its way into your bedroom somehow?
  •  Do you have more stress or anxiety at night?
  •  Do you sweat a lot at night?
  •  Are your clothes tight fitting?